Galil ACE Picatinny Stock Adapter / Sig Sauer Telescoping/Folding Stock KIT
We've packaged our Galil ACE Picatinny Stock Adapter with the Sig Sauer Telescoping/Folding Stock. Compatible with the 3-slot picatinny rail on our stock adapter, the end user can elect to fold the stock to the left or right hand side of any Galil ACE. Attachment is a cinch with a single Torx bolt securing the stock firmly to the adapter plate.
We suggest giving the right-side folding configuration a try as it makes manipulation of the charging handle much easier and cannot interfere with the charging handle. Simply loosen the bolt head securing the folding mechanism to the stock body and rotate it 180 degrees, then re-fasten. The stock will rub VERY lightly against the safety while folded but in no way impedes performance or function.
**Our Galil ACE Picatinny Stock Adapter is compatible with 7.62x39, .308, and 5.56x45 versions of the IWI Galil ACE rifles and pistol.**
***NOTE*** This is a shoulder stock and not an arm brace, ALL NFA RULES APPLY