Galil ACE Skeleton Stock NON-FOLDING Combo
The Galil ACE Skeleton Stock NON-FOLDING Combo allows the user to mount the sturdy ACE AKFX(L) Skeleton stock from DoubleStar directly to our Galil ACE Stock Adapter without adding the weight and length of the folding mechanism. Whether you want the stock configuration as light and simple as possible or if your region prohibits the use of a folding stock, this combination is sure to fit your requirements.
The ACE AKFX(L) Skeleton Stock is a robust, sturdy aluminum stock assembly and is a fantastic option for mounting on any AK (as long as your AK has a DoubleStar ACE stock interface), and the Galil ACE is no exception! The ACE Original Skeleton Stock measures in at 9.5" . End cap and butt are machined from solid aluminum billet, oxide blasted and hard anodized. Top bar and center brace are turned from the super strong engineered polymer Delrin. This stock is the strongest and highest quality skeleton stock available.
The ACE AKFX(S) Skeleton Stock is only 1" shorter, and now BOTH stock options feature multiple convenient QD Swivel pockets on both sides, top, bottom, & in the middle of the shoulder stock plate.
Both stocks come with optional rubber recoil pad.
Compatible with ACE-brand stocks and folding mechanisms, the KNS Precision Galil Ace Stock Adapters are manufactured with a ‘pocket’ for use with ACE brand stocks/folding mechanisms WITH the boss. While the KNS adapter can be used with stocks and folding mechanisms that do not have the boss – it is recommended that stocks and folding mechanisms with the boss are used, strength is increased and play is decreased with the boss. Installation is easy with a wide variety of stock/folding pistol brace mechanism options as well as for building registered SBRs.